3 Ways to Optimize Your Youtube Channel - Victoria Levitan

Youtube Strategy

3 Ways to Optimize Your Youtube Channel

July 14, 2021


I'm a video coach for small business owners and light up anytime I hear the word Youtube. Strategy is my superpower and I'm here to share all my nerdy insights with you!


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If you’ve been creating consistent Youtube videos but aren’t seeing results, this one’s for you. Whether you’ve just started a channel or are a seasoned pro, you might want to know how to best optimize all of your hard work. After all, it never hurts to learn best practices! Today I’m giving you 3 tips on how to optimize your Youtube channel and existing videos.

Rather watch that read? Head on over to my Youtube channel and where I break this down for you in 2.5 minutes, flat!

1️. Create Custom Thumbnails

Creating your own custom thumbnails (using Canva) is a free and super easy way to start optimizing your Youtube channel. Once you’re done with your design, download your finished image and upload it to your Youtube video. 

Thumbnails are really the first impression that a potential viewer gets of your video, so if your thumbnail doesn’t look enticing enough to click into, they’re not even going to watch your video in the first place. 😱

If you don’t have time to create one for all of your videos (or just don’t want to), you can certainly start out with the ones that have performed the best and then over time, work your way through your Youtube video list.

I always create custom thumbnails for my videos simply because I also like the look and feel that it gives to my channel – it just feels a little bit more professional and branded.

2️. Update your description box copy

…specifically, on your individual videos. I talk about the importance of the description box in this video, but the main takeaway here is to add copy and any relevant links – i.e. your website, social media handles, or any other links that you want your viewer to go to when they’re watching your individual video.

Go into any of your old videos and look at the description boxes to see if you can add any more information. Give your viewer everything they need so they can learn more about you and buy your product or service!

3️. Add keywords to your videos

If you only take away one thing from this post, let it be this one: Always add keywords to your Youtube videos! You may already have a few keywords in there, but the key (see what I did there? 😂) is to see if you can add any more, change some out, or research and see what other keywords are performing well that you can add in.

You basically just want to make sure that you have relevant keywords on your individual videos — and you can do this while you’re updating your description box! (see # 2️⃣). 

And that’s a wrap on how to optimize your Youtube channel! I hope you found these 3 quick tips helpful and are ready to update some of your videos! DM me on Instagram if you have any questions or leave them in the comments below!

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