Why I Started: Video Marketing Strategy For Small Business - Victoria Levitan

Video Marketing

Why I Started: Video Marketing Strategy For Small Business

March 18, 2019


I'm a video coach for small business owners and light up anytime I hear the word Youtube. Strategy is my superpower and I'm here to share all my nerdy insights with you!


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I started watching Youtube my freshman year in college, July 2009. I’d been scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw that one of my friends was following this “Youtuber” fan page. I clicked on her channel and immediately got sucked into the rabbit hole of makeup videos. Little did I know I’d start my own video marketing business years later.

It was so new and exciting to watch another person apply makeup, give product recommendations and connect with that person – like she was my friend. I remember the first products I ever bought from MAC Cosmetics were those recommended by her Youtube video. The true beginning of influencer marketing!

Starting My Own Youtube Channel

Then after many years of watching Youtube videos, I uploaded my first video on March 23, 2016. I couldn’t believe I was starting my own channel, filming alone at home in front of a camera, editing and uploading my skincare routine. I remember I took the thumbnail for the products on my desk chair… talk about an uneven photo! – Also the video is now private because it’s so embarrassing, ha!

And now it’s three years later, March 2019. I’ve uploaded 147 videos (as of publishing), have close to 150’000 lifetime views and truly love making videos. I’ve studied the ins and outs of keywords and tags, learned how to create thumbnails, edit my channel layout, speak to my audience in a way that’s engaging… There are so many components to creating video that it can be overwhelming sometimes!

Video Marketing Strategy For Small Business

From three years of figuring it out on my own, I know how tough it can be to create videos. And I’ve also seen the amazing impact it has. Youtube, from my experience, has the most engaging audience out of any social platform. People are there to comment and click through your description box. They are there to learn, get entertained and they will tell you if they enjoy your content – or not.

Combined with my passion for helping people – I show my love through acts of service – I wanted to create a business where I could help other small businesses with their video marketing strategy. Whether that be through helping film short videos for their business, optimizing their channel, or reviewing their content strategy.

I’m no wizard like Hermione Granger. I can’t deliver viral videos. But what I can do is set up your Youtube channel for success. Educate you on resources and tricks of the Youtube trade. Get you to feel more confident in front of the camera. See the value in creating videos for your business so you can attract more ideal clients. Whether you’re a local brick and mortar or an online business, video marketing – and Youtube – applies to any industry.

Connecting With Your Audience

Yes, photos are pretty and great for your Instagram. But if you truly want to connect with your audience, in a real face-to-face kind of way, you gotta talk to them. They want to hear your voice, see your personality, and connect with the person behind the business. I know I don’t like to buy services or products from strangers, do you?

If you’ve read this and it’s sparked something within to start your own video marketing strategy – or get it back to where you want it to be – join my newsletter for FREE weekly strategy tips on how you can navigate Youtube and the world of video marketing for your small business.

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