How To Batch Film Videos - Victoria Levitan

Youtube Strategy

How To Batch Film Videos

April 22, 2021


I'm a video coach for small business owners and light up anytime I hear the word Youtube. Strategy is my superpower and I'm here to share all my nerdy insights with you!


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If you’re familiar with video filming techniques and practices, you’ve probably heard of this mystical concept called “batch filming.” 

But what does batch filming actually mean? How does it work? And what does it actually do for your video filming process?

In a nutshell, “batch filming” is filming more than one video in a day. Simple as that…in theory. Actually doing it can be very different! And that’s what I’ll be sharing with you in this blog today: How to batch film videos and so you can do it for your own biz.

How to Batch Film Videos - - @victoria_levitan

Tip #1: Set a deadline for yourself

More specifically, set a deadline by which you want to start filming for the day. For example, today I knew I wanted to start filming videos by 11 am. That meant I had to be ready to go by then. My camera and batteries had to be fully charged, my lighting and gear had to be totally set up, and I had to be camera ready myself by that time.

Setting a start time for yourself makes it harder for you to push back your schedule. It also lets you reverse engineer your morning in a way, so you know what you have to get done to start filming at your chosen time.

Tip #2: Have your video scripts handy

When you prepare video scripts for your videos, you gather your thoughts in advance and get them down on paper. You know exactly what you’re going to say and why, which helps if you tend to get nervous or flustered while speaking on camera.

Because scripts help you stay on track while filming one video, you can get through multiple videos in a batch much more quickly if you use scripts for all of them! Having scripts ready for each one is like my secret ingredient to batch filming. You can simply follow the outline you’ve written for yourself, video by video and script by script.

Tip #3: Try not to overthink it

This tip is one that I don’t think a lot of people talk about very often when it comes to batch filming, but it’s super important. The truth is, every video you film on batch filming days may not come out perfect, or even good. That’s okay! 

What you should do is recognize when you have a good clip or a bad clip, and simply move on. If you spend too long agonizing over bad videos or start to doubt your video idea or topic, batch filming will take much longer than you expected. And that kinda ruins the point of batch filming, doesn’t it?

Tip #4: Prep your batteries and memory cards

I may sound like a broken record with this next tip because I’ve talked about it before, but I can’t say it enough! Make sure you have a fully charged battery and enough memory card space before you get started. One of the worst things that can happen on batch filming day is running out of battery time or memory space.

On that same note, check that all of your equipment is working properly, your tripod is in the right position, and that everything is good to go. That way you can just sit down and start filming!

Tip #5: Extra tips for batch filming

  • Get plenty of rest! Being on camera takes up a lot of energy. Avoid batch filming on days when you’re tired.
  • Keep a beverage next to you. I always have a coffee next to me. If you’re not a coffee person, go with your favorite drink! Tea, water, juice, whatever floats your boat.
  • Change your top between videos. You don’t want all of the videos you film on batch filming days to look the same. Simply changing your shirt or even your hair and accessories can make it look like you filmed on separate days.

Give batch filming a try

Batch filming is an awesome practice that can help you stay on track with your filming schedule. If you haven’t tried batch filming yet, I definitely recommend it! 

Just remember to be prepared, set a start time, and try not to overthink it if things don’t go the way you expect. Pretty soon you’ll become a pro at batch filming and it’ll become second nature to you. 

Batch filming is one technique that can help you film and post videos for your audience consistently. Having a consistent video schedule is really important when it comes to filming videos for your business, and it’s just one of many topics I cover in my new training, Videos in The Bank

If you want to learn all the juicy insider tips and tricks about filming videos for your business, then VIDEOS IN THE BANK is for you.

CLICK HERE to register for the training on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 (replay available).

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  1. […] can also update your description box if you currently have videos out there that are just sitting around. I would highly recommend going into your old videos, updating your […]

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