business Archives - Victoria Levitan

4 Reasons To Be The Face Of Your Biz

You don’t need to be on Youtube or create regular video content to be the face of your business. I know that’s not for everyone and that’s a-okay! But what I am here to tell you is that you need to step in front of the camera in some sort of fashion. Get in front […]

Youtube Strategy


Should you be on Youtube?

Youtube Strategy

My #1 trick if you're feeling nervous on camera

Video Marketing

What I've Learned From Creating Youtube Videos


Investing in Professional Branding

Behind the business

…That time Facebook and Instagram went down for 6 hours, many people were scrambling because they didn’t know what to do with themselves! And I don’t just mean the general consumer…I mean businesses who rely on these social media platforms for reaching their customers. As business owners, we often put a lot of effort into […]

5 Ways To Use Video In Your Business – WITHOUT Social Media

Youtube Strategy

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Video content is taking over Instagram. And whether you have an active account or are just starting out, there are a lot of ways to create – and use – Instagram videos as part of your marketing strategy. I’m going to break down the 4 major categories so you can decide how you want to […]

4 Ways To Create Instagram Videos For Your Business

Video Marketing

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The Power Of Video In A Digital Landscape

You know when you meet someone and you just hit it off? That’s how I felt when I met Sarah from Blue Lotus Films. We’re both in the world of video and I was so pleased to meet a local videographer in Alexandria. We got together a few weeks ago to talk about how businesses can benefit from creating video content on Youtube and the power video has in the growing digital landscape.

Power Of Video In A Digital Landscape

Video Marketing

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